Ali's second birth at home


Ali’s second birth, at home

Hi Zoe

I just wanted to drop you a line to say that I had my second baby recently (on 29 December).

He’s called Edward and we had a wonderful home birth, and I just wanted to say a massive thank you to you as your hypnobirthing course and information played a huge role in us having such a great experience.

We moved from Nunhead to Essex 6 months ago, otherwise we would have done the refresher course with you. We just got out the materials from the course we did with you a couple of years ago, and practised all the exercises again, and it all paid off. 

We had a birth doula, and I was very calm initially so didn’t actually realise I was in labour for the first couple of hours (oops!).

Once the midwives arrived at our house, it was only a couple of hours until Edward arrived (so we never got to blow up, let alone use, the birth pool we hired!), so a very efficient 4 hour labour with no drugs or interventions.

Then an hour after he was born I was already showered and back in bed feeding him and felt amazing, and recovered so much quicker because we were already at home.

So just wanted to say a huge thank you, and that even though we did your course a while ago it played a massive part in our amazing birth experience second time round (as well as having a very positive experience of induction with our first baby Annabel) 😊.

Best wishes to you and your family,

Ali and Tom Guy (and Annabel and Edward) xx

baby Edward

Ps. Feeling stronger every day and also taking it pretty slow. I wore pyjamas for the first couple of weeks even though I felt pretty good as I remembered you saying it would make people realise I needed to be looked after, which worked a treat! 😊

P.p.s I’m always trying to spread the positive word to people about hypnobirthing (and home birth) and Tom has also been challenging perceptions at work when a few people have told him we were ‘very brave’ to have a home birth as it can’t be as safe as hospital..! Little by little..!

The lovely Guy family