Rebecca's empowered birth at Kings



Hi Zoe,

Hope you are well and enjoying the Spring sunshine and lockdown restrictions finally easing.

I just wanted to drop you an email to say thank you again for your hypnobirthing course back in December, and also share our birth story. 

I was super nervous about the birth before we attended the course, especially not knowing what the hospital Covid rules would be in March.  Both Ben and I came away from the weekend feeling relaxed and empowered by the knowledge we had gained and the relaxation techniques we had practised.

In the months leading up to birth, I used the Upward Breathing meditation almost daily, along with the Colour and Calmness one to help with that 3rd trimester insomnia(!). 

Following your suggestion, I used my lavender and camomile pillow spray each time and covered myself in a big spring yellow pashmina.  I also bought some 'Yes Mum' affirmation cards (following a tip I saw on your website from another client), and pulled a new one out each day to display by my work laptop - banking the ones that clicked for the later down the line.

Towards the end of pregnancy, I had a bit of anxiety about the baby's movements, so took myself to bed, lay under the pashmina and listened to some meditations.  In no time, little Leo was wriggling around thanks to the calmness I felt from the regular practise.

At 35 weeks we had a scan and were told he was measuring on the large side, so would need to go back at 38 weeks for another scan and to discuss possible induction. 

We spent those 3 weeks really ramping up our practise at home and boosting the oxytocin levels, doing things we enjoyed like walking the dog, watching our favourite tv programmes and doing yoga together. 

At the next scan on 11th March, he was still big so the discussion turned to induction or elective c section.  We walked back from Kings discussing our options and decided to book an elective c section for 8 days time, whilst doing everything in our power to bring on labour naturally.  

2 hours later and feeling relaxed, my waters broke at home in the dramatic way everyone tells you doesn't happen! 

Rather than panic, I felt excited and eager to meet our little boy. 

My husband decided to hoover and change the sheets (doing the nesting that I hadn't done!), whilst I watched Drag Race and painted my nails waiting for surges to start.  As they did, I listened to the Upward Breathing meditation and this helped set me up for the next 22 hours at home. 

Ben ran me a bath at 2am and we chatted and laughed through the early stages, I managed to catch a little sleep then until about 7am by listening to more relaxations.

The day was spent at home, with Ben and my little dog cuddling up next to me on the sofa. 

Each surge was spent using breathing only, and catching as much rest as I could in between. 

I will not forget the fact we watched an entire Amazon show about Australian cricket - having never shown any interest in cricket before in my life, I found it strangely calming!

We headed to Kings around 6pm, as I felt a shift in the surges and an urge to push.  As we checked it, 2 midwives and a doctor said they didn't believe I was in active labour as I was so calm and relaxed, so after some persuasion on my part, they examined me and I was 9cm! 

As my waters had been broken for nearly 24 hours, I agreed to some oxytocin to get me to 10cm.  For 2 more hours, I was able to use upward breathing only, then Ben and I took some time with noone in the room to listen to the Magic Carpet relaxation, and prepare ourselves to meet Leo. 

Another hour passed and I tried some gas and air, before 1 more examination revealed I was still 9cm and Leo was struggling with each strong surge, so we agreed to the emergency C section.

The team were incredible, especially the anaesthetist who introduced each person in the room before we started.  In no time, we heard Leo's cry and were ecstatic that the little guy was finally here and sounded so familiar to us. 

We had some lovely skin-to-skin time in the theatre and then the recovery ward.  I even asked to look at my placenta as I was fascinated with what it had done over the previous 9 months - I am very squeamish, so this surprised me more than anyone!

The last 8 weeks have been incredible, frightening, and amazing all at the same time.  Although feeding was tricky at the start, I was kind to myself and things started to click around week 4. 

We had a little bubble of Ben, Leo, Gus the dog and me for 2 lovely weeks before visitors came, which I would recommend to everyone, especially if breastfeeding is tricky at the start - I could totally relax, and we felt no time pressures to leave the house or host anyone. 

Leo is a lovely, smiley little guy and we are totally smitten.  

Thank you so much for the course and the emails tips.  I have recommended hypnobirthing to newly pregnant friends.
All the best.

Rebecca, Ben and Leo

Baby Leo